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Sunday, 10 June 2012

Delightful Things!

The sun is shining (bodes well for my plan to watch the match outdoors later), I'm not as hungover as expected, and am spending a lovely afternoon watching the tennis with HTB while he makes me several cups of tea. Bliss. We also just enjoyed a lovely morning of brunch in Odessa (Vegetarian Breakfast with juice AND coffee- to stave off the hangover, which obviously worked), shopping in Carousel and cake buying (I intend to somehow turn "cake buying" into a well paid profession) in Fallon and Byrne. Here's some pretty pictures of all that stuff and more:

The dress is from Carousel on Exchequer St. I love that shop, so many pretty things. Pretty, but pricey so I somehow managed to just limit myself to ONE dress, although it was touch and go there for a while. I'm partial to a bird print and this is just too cute. I plan on wearing this with a thin gold belt and some summery shoes although it looks equally as well with black tights, so wearable for Winter too. Yay!

Lemon and Mixed Berry tarts from Fallon and Byrne. We also got salads and fresh ravioli to have for dinner..yum. Also, not the cheapest but nice for a treat every now and again.

Cupcakes from Avoca, courtesy of my lovely Sister-in-law-to-be (which, to save time from now on will  be referred to as SILTB- so catchy!). I say cupcakes, plural because there were more originally but they were eaten. As was this one, obviously.

Lastly and most importantly, check out these stunning vintage earrings from Dirty Fabulous on Wicklow St (an early birthday present from my also lovely MILTB and FILTB- it's just easier than all the typing..I'm lazy). Love these far too much. Swoon.


  1. The dress is gorgeous, I'd never even heard of Carousel but now I feel like I need to pop in & have a look, especially after seeing the website! x

    1. Thank you! Yeah very cute stuff but I think a bit over priced, I only succumbed to that cause of the bird print, otherwise I would've stopped myself! :-)

  2. oh i love the earrings... Im hoping to get some nice vintage buys next week x

    1. Ah, thank you! Yeah I love them so much, I love heart shaped jewelry anyway so I was drawn to these the second I saw them. I'm almost afraid to wear them in case I lose them now though!
      :-) xx
