Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Pixi + Caroline Hirons Double Cleanse | Review

You have by now, more than likely heard about the collaboration between makeup/skincare brand Pixi & beauty blogger/skincare lover, Caroline Hirons
Hirons knows her stuff when it comes to skincare and her thing is the double cleanse; that is, the use of an oil based cleanser to remove the obvious layer of make up from your face and another cleanse after that with a cream or liquid based cleanser to remove what's left. 
This has been a big seller for cult US brand Pixi so it was only a matter of time before I gave it a go myself.

Pixi + Caroline Hirons Double Cleanse

As you can see, you get two sections for your cleanse; a solid oil that melts when warmed on your fingers/face and following that, a cleansing cream to clean your actual skin, now that the make up has been removed. If you think that sounds like a lot of faffing and believe me, that is EXACTLY what I thought, it's well worth giving this a go. 
If you are also thinking- why not just use one if they're both such great cleansers? Well, Caroline (I feel like we should be on first name terms as I watch her giving out to her sons on her Insta-stories all the time), says that the oil part is really just for loosening and removing makeup and SPF, while the cream cleanser has more beneficial ingredients to properly clean and massage your skin.

Pixi + Caroline Hirons Double Cleanse

Caroline also says that they've done their best to make this product as user friendly to as many skin types as possible, so there's no mineral oil or Shea butter in there (not great for oily skins) and instead there's camellia oil and evening primrose oil. She's also made both cleansers scent free, so if you're of a sensitive disposition, that'll sit well with you too. As for my own dry skin, I really like it. The oil is very comfortable on and removes all my make up, even from my eyes with no stinging or discomfort, along with a muslin cloth soaked in warm water. The temptation to stop there and go put on serum and moisturiser is strong, especially when tired but the cream cleanser is lovely too and leaves my skin nice and soft with that super clean feeling.

So basically, it's thumbs up from me. It's very handy to have both cleansers in the one tub and it would be great for travel, if you were that committed to your double cleanse. I can't say I am but then, I tend to bring miniatures away with me when travelling to afford more weight for all the shite I then buy in the likes of Sephora etc. Sure look, it's why we're all here!

If you're looking to try a double cleanse for yourself, you can find Pixi online from Cloud 10 Beauty or in the beauty hall in Marks and Spencers.

Are you a fan of the double cleanse? Have you tried this offering from Pixi and Caroline Hirons?
To the comments!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely loved this! It'd be great for sensitive skin because it's so gentle! Been meaning to repurchase it.
