Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Beautiful New Books

These were all mostly Christmas gifts but I'm not including that in the title because no one wants to hear the "C" word anymore. Although I've said it already, so...sorry about that.
Anyway, feast your eyes upon these beautiful books:

There's a great mix in there of fiction, cookery books, beauty, autobiographies and overall, lots of stunning books, worthy of coffee-table displays. 
And yes, we are here to judge them all by their covers. 

My sister gave me all of these, bar the Sali Hughes, which I had actually bought for her but it turned out one of my other sisters had bought it for her too and so I ended up keeping it for myself. A lengthy way of saying, I bought myself a Christmas present. 
The Tanya Bakes is because she had a flick through it and saw all of the delicious recipes in there and she was not wrong. There is a lemon curd and pistachio cake that is just calling out to be made and then consumed, quickly. 
I haven't had a chance to properly look at The Nature of Beauty but I want to get into using more organic, and less overproduced skincare so this is ideal. 
I loved Sali Hughes's Pretty Honest and I thought the idea for her follow up book, Iconic Beauty; products that have changed the beauty landscape in some way, was very clever. 
Lastly there, I had read an article by Sophie White in an Irish newspaper towards the end of last year about how she started cooking after she took drugs at Electric Picnic and it went very badly wrong, leading to a mental breakdown. I thought it was a fascinating story and I'm intrigued to read more!

Bowie. My fave. Best possible person to seek wisdom from too.

Again, all presents! I did fierce well for myself so I did. 
Easter Widows is a real life account of the women involved in the 1916 rising that were effectively whitewashed from history. It's right up my feminist street and as someone really interested in that period of time, I'm looking forward to reading more. 
I'm currently reading The Essex Serpent for my book club but Himself picked out this particularly fancy edition for me so it's a pleasure to look at it every day. I'll have a review up soon! 
I love Gloria Steinem and feminism aside, she's led a really interesting life that I'm keen to read more about, while Headscarves and Hymens is an in-depth look at how women are treated in the Middle East- another area of interest for me. 
Eileen was one of last years most critically acclaimed psychological thrillers, while The Descent of Man is about gender and how rigid masculine roles can destroy men's lives. 
The Glass Shore is a compilation of short stories, written by women from the North of Ireland.

The Power just sounds brilliant- every teenage girl wakes up one day with an immense physical power to destroy men, and just like that, the world completely changes. Unusual to find a dystopian novel where men, rather than women, are the victims.
Pride and Prejudice is one of my all time favourite books and I adore the Clothbound classics. The cover on this one is as gorgeous as the others in my collection. Love it.
I tend to really enjoy Marian Keyes's work so I'm excited about this one, which is her most recent release and a collection of articles and essays.
The Girls was another one of the bigger releases last year, this one about a teenage girl who finds herself in the thrall of a group of girls who are part of Charles Manson's cult. I somehow still haven't read this but it looks great.
The Underground Railroad is another top rated novel and has featured on Oprah's book club list. It is unsurprisingly, about the horrors that existed for black people pre the civil war era, and also about the building of The Underground Railroad, a method of escape for many. 
I had really wanted to read The Princess Diarist as a lifelong fan of Carrie Fisher's and since she passed away just after Christmas, it's been on top of my list. 

And that's that! Did you get any of these for Christmas?
 If not, what are you currently reading? 
To the comments!


  1. So pretty! I love those clothbound editions, I'm nearly afraid to read them. I'm off to buy The Power immediately, it sounds brilliant! I think the only one I've read is The Girls.

  2. Oh good! I've been looking for some new books to read, but have been totally lacking in inspiration. Those all sound pretty good, so I'm just going to shamelessly copy you, Chloe. Thanks! :)

  3. These look incredible! My Dad is currently reading The Essex Serpent and he's loving it so far.

  4. Easter Widows looks great - definitely sort of book! Im intrigued by the Sophie White have a great selection there, enjoy!
