Sunday, 3 January 2016

New Years Reading Resolutions!

I have all of the usual New Years plans to get fit and healthy, travel further afield and see friends more but I thought the book worms amongst you would be interested in my reading goals for 2016. Last year I felt I was a bit lax on the reading front; I read only 51 books, the year before I managed 72. 
So this year I've set my Goodreads aim at 80. I love reading so this won't be a chore, the difficulty lies in finding the time and reading a greater variety of novels too. 
Print Available HERE.

Here's my cunning plan to read more this year:

1. Read in bed.
Myself and Himself have gotten into a bad habit of watching TV at night but he got a Kindle for Christmas so now we're both on the same page, if you will. Ha. I'm gas altogether. 
I think this will help me nod off a bit quicker as well; TV, phones, computers etc are all supposed to aid insomnia whereas reading helps calm the mind! 
We started our new nightly reading plan last night; I got stuck into the first book in the Richard & Judy Book Club for Spring 2016 and I'm loving it (pictured below)!

Speaking of which...

2. Join more Book Clubs.
As well as my own real life book club, I've recently joined the Rick O'Shea and the Richard & Judy book clubs on Facebook. For me, this is a great way of reading books that I might not have approached otherwise and being able to discuss them afterwards with others online is a big bonus. Have a look at Sharon's post HERE about the books she read last year from both book clubs.  

Print Available HERE.

3. Work my way through my T-B-R (to be read) Shelves.
I can't even count the amount of books I own that I haven't read but sure look, better I spend money on books than crystal meth, right?

(This one's no longer available to buy unfortunately!)

4. Work my way through Stephen King's back catalogue.
This is an annual goal at this stage and I usually will have read a few of his books per year but they all tend to be huge and fairly time consuming so I'm getting there, slowly but surely. This also isn't a chore, I love his books but I may never get through all 60 or so novels. 
I'm reading 11/22/63 at the minute. It's brilliant!

5. A Reading Challenge.
I'm still considering this one but I'm not sure if it'll be too much pressure what with all the book clubs as well. These two from Pop Sugar and the Book Riot Read Harder challenges look great though.

Print Available HERE.

That's that for the moment. I have a full kindle, a local library and my own shelves are bursting at the seams. I think it's going to be a good reading year! 

Print Available HERE.

Have you any reading resolutions for 2016?


  1. I always start the year like a reading machine but trail of somewhere around February and once I lose momentum, that's it. I'm determined to keep going this year though; I'm sure I won't get anywhere near your numbers but if I can complete at least two a month I'll be doing well!

    1. Reading regularly is a brilliant goal, it doesn't have to be a big number, just to read often! It's probably unlikely I'll get to 80 but sure I'll give it a go!

  2. I joined the Rick O Shea book club recently too, I don't know why I didn't before! I'm also doing the Book Riot Challenge (two down already yo!). Other than that, I don't have many other specific resolutions, I set Goodreads to 90 books (past 2 years I've set it at 50 and then reset it once I hit 50), but I hit 86 last year, 77 year before and 100 in 2013 so I should hit 90 no problem. Here's to many good books!

    1. I'm not sure whether to do the Book Riot or the Pop Sugar challenge..I feel like Pop Sugar would almost be easier to fit books into the different challenges if you get me? I'm really hopeful about the goal of 80..fair play to you for always reading so much!

  3. I love this. I wish my husband was a reader! I'm always trying to get through Stephen King too but the man writes too quickly, every time I get 2-3 of his old ones out he has another new one. I didn't know the Richard and Judy Spring picks were outtttttttt Chloeeeeeeee (insert see no evil emoji here)

    1. That is exactly how I feel about Stephen King! I always think I'm doing great but then he has another new release! He's unreal! Yeah I've read the first in their book club for the year, great first book! :D

  4. Definitely with you on reading in bed more, we've been watching too much Netflix and it definitely keeps you wide awake so a little reading is much more relaxing and I think a lovely thing to do as a couple snug in bed if that makes sense! Happy new year to you!

    1. That makes total sense! Definitely feels a bit nicer than getting sucked into Netflix! Happy New Year to you too lovely! x

  5. I've taken up the PopSugar challenge and the Modern Mrs Darcy one too, I'm going to do them in tandem and report back on the blog! Three books in so far and I think I'm doing ok.

    1. I think I may go with PopSugar too, I think it's probably the one I'm most likely to succeed with! Must check out the Modern Mrs Darcy one!

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