Thursday, 15 January 2015

Penneys Haul

So you know how it is, I went into Penneys (Primark to those outside of Éire) the other day for some new Pilates gear and left with a Cocoa Brown tanning mitt, two pairs of extra thick tights (with a fleece lining..snug FTW), a lip balm with SPF (covering all weather conditions, clearly), the aforementioned Pilates clothing and the few items below. I basically saw the colours and went a bit mad. Colours and florals mean only one thing. SPRING. That's right, people, time to break out the fun clothes and throw off the shackles of Winter. No need to look like 40 Coats anymore because Spring is coming! Well, Spring is a good bit away yet but it is coming. Oh yes. 

Penneys Haul

First up, is this rather cool neon tweed print shift dress. Made of a lightweight material with sheer sleeves and a woven collar, this would need a chunky cardigan for now but will be fine on its own for Spring/Summer

Penneys Haul

I'm planning on wearing this with those thick tights in navy, ankle boots and a chunky necklace (possibly one of the new ones in the photo). This was €10. 

Penneys Haul

Next up is this tropical floral print on a vibrant orange-red background. I love the detail on the sleeves here, it makes it that bit more interesting. 

Penneys Haul

I'm mostly planning on wearing this just with jeans but for some reason I have a strange hankering to try it out tucked into a striped pencil skirt..hmm. This was €9.

Penneys Haul

I'm obsessed with yellow and my favourite way to wear it is with a casual shirt like this. Featuring rolled up sleeves, some gold detailing on the shoulder and tiny yellow polka dots throughout, there's a lot going on here for just €13. Again, this is probably a jeans kinda top. I'm thinking tucked into flares with gold wedges and a big old hat for when the better weather comes (really thinking ahead here!).

Penneys Haul

Lastly, these chunky ball necklaces caught my eye in the window on a mannequin so I had to have them. These won't be to everyones taste as they're a little bit different but that's why I like them. I debated between which colour to get but in the end I went for both (it also comes in white). I'm into statement necklaces in a big way and tend to accessorise every outfit with one so these are ideal for me. And those colours..swoon!! €6 each.

Penneys Haul

And that's my Spring wardrobe sorted!
Anything catching your eye? Are you as done with Winter as I am?! 



  1. Ah I need that dress!!!! Lovely haul 😊

    1. Thank you! It's very versatile, great for the colder and warmer weather!

  2. The red floral top and the two chunky necklaces are gorgeous! What a class haul :)

  3. That neon tweed dress is beautiful & a total bargain! Good ole Penneys does it again!

  4. The red top would look awesome with a pencil skirt. Love the bubble necklaces, think they're a knock off of J Crew ones....score!

  5. Love the tweed dress and the necklaces! Even though it's cold out right now, just looking at your haul has warmed me up lol x

  6. That tweed dress is beautiful! Claire x

  7. The tweed dress is amazeballs, Chloe!

  8. That dress is so pretty! And that red top is lovely, so bright and cheerful! I went to Primark the other book but didn't get anything too interesting. A teal t-shirt, teal jumper, black leggings, black skirt and a Slytherin t-shirt!

    1. I love a bit of teal!! Good call on the HP tee too :)

  9. Everything looks so pretty, might just copy you :). Hurry up spring!

    1. Yes, I can't wait for warmer wether, a jacket instead of a heavy Winter coat!!

  10. Love the necklaces! That yellow shirt is so pretty too. Lovely to see all the bright colours back again (said by the Queen of Black) x

    1. Sure most of my clothes are black too, or at least monochrome! Trying to mix things up!

  11. Nice haul, I've gone mad for bright colours too, sick of black, grey and navy. Bring on the summer.
