Monday, 12 January 2015

New Books!

I was once again lucky enough to receive lots of beautiful books for Christmas this year. I don't want to judge a book by its cover, but some of these are seriously stroke-able and while I already have an insanely long to-be-read list, these are just demanding to be picked up straight away. There's a fabulous mix of genres here, something I love as it means there's no risk of me getting bored any time soon. 

So many books, so little time..

I've wanted to read Pretty Honest for ages now and I've already started flicking through it. The chapter on beauty and illness is so spot on, I can't wait to read the rest.

This book on the life of fashion powerhouse Vivienne Westwood looks incredible and as a big Great British Bake Off fan I'm really looking forward to getting stuck into the recipes in this one.

Lastly, my wonderful husband and sister in law joined forces to get me series nine and the start of series ten of Buffy! If you read the blog last year you'll know I made a concerted effort to read more graphic novels and particularly enjoyed the Buffy books that came out after the final TV series aired. I love these- full of the same Buffy humour, with beautiful drawings and extra big monsters. Swoon. 

Have you read any of these? Did you get any books for Christmas?


  1. I really want to get my hands on the Westwood and Hughes book, I was hoping others would get the hint and get me them for Christmas! Alas, no. They're both in library though so not too bad :)

    1. Ah, that's something anyway! God your library is so much better than mine!!

  2. I got the Sali Hughes one but haven't gone near it yet - too many books, not enough eyes or hours!! Great selection. Have yet to finish the Season 8 Buffy comics, Season 9 & 10 look great, so glad it's still going! Intrigued by Wool.

    1. I know, way too many books on the go atm. Can't wait to start Wool, love a bit of dystopia!

  3. I heard the tv show of Olive Kitterage is brill alright, I'll read it first and then track it down I think. I'm a big Walking Dead fan but have shamefully never read the graphic novels- they're in my library though so that's something I want to do this year!
