Thursday, 2 October 2014

September Book Haul

For someone who read only two books last month (none of these were those two), I somehow managed to procure a fine big stack of books to read. 
I also bought none of these which leads me to believe I'm some sort of book acquiring genius. I really need to get reading but my brain is completely switched off at the moment, all it'll allow me to do is re-watch Buffy and be subsumed by The Good Wife (seriously, I watched the first five seasons in about two weeks. I'm obsessed). Anyway, I've some creepy/spooky type books lined up for October but here's what I picked up last month:

My lovely parents-in-law are great for the auld books, a visit to their house can often be like going to a book shop and I often come away very full and with something to read clutched in my grubby paws. This makes me inordinately happy. 
Firstly, my father-in-law bought me A Clockwork Orange cause I've been going on for ages about wanting to read it. I think I'll be reading it this month as part of my disturbing reads in the build up to Halloween, as having seen the film, I'm prepared for some unpleasantness. He also picked me up A Life's Music (on top) by Andrei Makine. This is a novella based in the Soviet Union and tells the story of a man's life, illustrating the "strength of human resistance" apparently. I'm looking forward to getting stuck in! From my mammy-in-law, I borrowed Longbourn (the story of the servants in the Bennets house in Pride and Prejudice- big P& P fan!) and Her Fearful Symmetry which I have somehow still never read but I hear it's an interesting one!
Harry's Last Stand was sent to me by Icon Books and is written by a survivor of the Great Depression and WW2, Harry Leslie Smith. In it he discusses the past and what we can learn from it to change our present and our future. I've already started this and I have to say it's actually fascinating so far. 
Hubster took pity on me when he saw me stroking the new releases in Easons that I can't actually afford (like, seriously, The Book Depository is where it's at. I don't know many people that can afford to bankrupt themselves on some new books. Take note, Easons) and spent some of a voucher he had on Ian McEwan's The Children Act and The Secret Place by Tana French. I love both of those authors so I can't wait to read these new releases. 
NetGalley also sent me The Before Now and After Then which I requested to read after seeing Sharon's review HERE. I haven't actually started it yet but it looks great.

Have you read any of this lot? What's on your current reading list?


  1. Harry's Last Stand is on my radar but I have no idea when I'll get to pick it up!

  2. I want to read that Tana French but I haven't read any of her others yet despite me downloading them months ago, so I'll get through them first! I want to read the new David Nicholls one and I've a feeling I may be buying that tomorrow, but we'll see... sometimes I think I just enjoy collecting books, my TBR list is ridiculous.

    1. Yeah I want to read that new David Nicholls as well. My tbr list is insane, the amount of books on my shelves that I haven't read and I STILL buy more!
