Sunday, 13 July 2014

Booktubeathon 2014!

It's that time of year again! Booktubeathon is a week long reading challenge organised by youtuber Ariel Bissett. I took part last year too and you can read all about that HERE and HERE if you want to see how I got on. 

This year the challenges are:

To Read:

  • A Book with pictures
  • Start and finish a series
  • A book with red on the cover
  • A book someone else picks out for you
  • A book from the genre you've least read this year
  • A book to movie adaptation
  • Read seven books.
Phew! That's a lot! Luckily, you can double up on your reading challenges so you can cut down on the amount you have to read but you still need to get that seven in there! I'm quite a slow reader so I'm in no way expecting to complete this challenge but I'll do my best and either way I love reading so it'll be fun for that reason alone. Plus it'll help me along with my personal challenge of reading 60 books this year! I'm keeping my intended reads a surprise til the end, for the suspense, like!
If you're interested in taking part, the challenge starts tomorrow and you can follow along on the twitter booktubeathon page HERE. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I'm halfway through my first book..thank god I have the week of work!
