Saturday, 14 September 2013

Where I get my Inspiration From..

 #SBBC day 14 is all about where you get your inspiration for blogging from and for me personally, it's probably a combination of a few different things. For the most part, I see something I like, be it make-up, a good book, an item of clothing, a film or whatever and I will then want to talk (i.e rant) about it at length. So really anything can inspire me to write a post. But what inspired me to set up a blog in the first place and indeed, what inspires me to keep going on days that I just don't feel like writing anything? Other bloggers, of course! 

Before I started my own blog, I read a lot of (the Irish blogging Mothership) and from there, I became familiar with the fantastic blogs of Karen from Lovely Girlie Bits, Sue from CherrySue Doin The Do, Emma from Fluff and Fripperies, Sera from The Agoraphobic Fashionista, Kitty from Red Lemonde, and YouTube wise- Sanne from Books and Quills and Estee from Essie Button. I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis but those are the ones from whom I love to see a new post popping up on my bloglovin feed- I will always click on a post from any of those ladies to read, because invariably I always enjoy them and reading or watching such well thought out, intelligent and entertaining content will in turn make me want to strive to improve my own little blog, so thank you all for your general blogging brilliance! 
If you want to find some more fantastic bloggers, HERE'S my blog roll of favourites, most of whom are Irish based blogs...what can I say, we're a talented bunch!


  1. I love the blogging community, I'd be lost without it. I remember hearing about on telly once (possibly Xposé) and logging on - then I used to google reviews of stuff I wanted to buy, I found Karen and her review of Orofluido and that was it, completely hooked on blogs! When I joined twitter (after hearing Ellen deGeneres on about it) I found more & more, and so it took off. I try to read and comment on the majority of blogs I follow, I feel awful when I miss a few posts! The Irish blog world is fantastic xx

    1. I'm the same, blogging and reading blogs became a really big thing for me when I joined twitter too, it's fantastic. And I'm pretty much hooked now on my daily Bloglovin email! xx

  2. Thanks so much for the shout out missus :) We've a grand little community altogether here don't we? I love your blog too, you who's pants are fancy. Keep up the fantastic work :)

    1. We certainly do! Thanks so much for saying that Karen, it really means a lot coming from you! x

  3. I've been struggling with blogger's block, a lot, lately, but reading other blogs was what kept me from giving up on blogging altogether. There's so many great blogs out there and it's nice to be part of that.

    1. Very true, it's a fantastic community with a really wide range of interests and writing styles, makes it that bit more interesting and fun to be a part of!
