Saturday, 28 September 2013

The Cliffs of Moher & Inis Oirr

Last weekend we rented a house in Fanore with friends and took a boat out to Inis Oirr one of the days. That particular day was foggy and the water was pretty choppy so the trip back (which did a tour of the cliffs from the sea) was kind of lost on many on board as sea-sickness was rife. It was still quite the experience though and I think it's an understatement to say how absolutely stunning Ireland is. 

The Cliffs of Moher

The following day was very warm and sunny so we made the most of it and walked to the top of the cliffs of Moher to take in the sights. There are some seriously stunning views from up there and although I've done it a few times before, it somehow still always feels like a novelty. If you're looking for somewhere lovely to go in Ireland, I can highly recommend this. 

The Cliffs of Moher
The Cliffs of Moher
The Cliffs of Moher
That's me there on the steps
Inis Oirr:
Inis Oirr

Inis Oirr

Inis Oirr

We did a full 10k walk of the island and spotted lots of coolness- the shipwrecked boat from the opening credits of Father Ted, the islands only pub, a serious amount of beautifully hand built stone walls and eh, himself's old Irish college..
There's a strange quality to the landscape on the island, it's almost other-worldy, a bit like the Burren in a way. Quite stark and stripped back but with flowers poking out here and there and a tremendous sense of calm and peacefulness. 


  1. Beautiful post with beautiful images! What was the house in Fanore like? It sounds like a great stay-in-Ireland holiday idea.

    1. It was lovely, fantastic idea for a weekend away! x

  2. Lovely photos! I love the Burren but I'm perhaps biased seeing as I live close by ;) While I know you haven't read any Harry Potter books (from your latest book post!), I'm not sure if you've seen the films. But the cave you can see in the first picture above was used in film 6. I once had a speedboat tour around the Cliffs, it was amazing!

    1. No way! You must get to go for loads of lovely walks so! Jealous! I've seen all of the films but I actually don't remember the cave being in it at all, must keep a closer eye on it the next time I'm watching it!
