Saturday, 7 September 2013

Revlon Chroma Chameleon: Pink Quartz

#SBBC day 6 requires a make-up look and I've kind of gone off track a bit with this one but I really wanted to show off this lovely Revlon Chroma Chameleon polish (I know, the name is ridiculous) I got recently. This is the shade 'Pink Quartz'. There's also another five other shades available in this iridescent, colour-changing range of polishes. 

Revlon Chroma Chameleon: Pink Quartz

Revlon Chroma Chameleon: Pink Quartz

I love these metallic, iridescent type of polishes and I also love Revlon as a brand- their nail varnishes have never let me down. It's quite a thin polish so it's easy to apply and dries quickly. I decided to apply three coats but it would easily have been perfect with just two. I also didn't let a couple of them dry properly in my haste to get it on so I did smudge those. The ones that I actually did properly turned out fine though. I know, I'm an eejit.

Revlon Chroma Chameleon: Pink Quartz Swatches

It is beautiful on, varying wildly between a strong, almost green/gold (not too dissimilar to Chanel's Peridot) and other times it's a beautiful rose/gold. Either way it's a stunning polish, one that is neutral enough to look well for a wedding or to be work appropriate but also different enough to ensure you get inundated with compliments! You can't say better than that really!
Have you tried any of the Revlon Chroma Chameleon polishes?


  1. It's a beauty, I haven't tried any Revlon polishes at all, there are only two chemists that do Revlon near me and I always forget to go and check the stands! Very pretty colour.

    1. It's lovely. My boots only had this and a purple/gold one in stock, should've gotten that one too!

  2. Love a duo-chrome nail polish! Haven't tried the Revlon ones yet but I might just pick up one in Boots today :)

    1. Definitely worth a look! I don't know if all the boots are stocking all the shades is the only thing :(

  3. Replies
    1. It is very pretty- have been looking at my nails A LOT! x

  4. Love the look of this one! I have the purple gold one and really want to pick up more! Ugh spending bannnnn.

    1. The purple one was a beaut! Couldn't decide which to go for and may have to go back for it.. :0
