Wednesday, 31 July 2013

The 31 Day Snap #31

Ah, at last. To be honest, when I started all this malarkey I mostly thought it'd be a bit of craic and a way of using all the random photos that I take on a daily basis, which it was but it was also a bit of a challenge! I had hoped I'd improve my photography skills along the way but mostly I just used my iphone so I guess I failed on that one. I am really pleased with the photos I did take though, so here's today's 31 day snap, which is (conveniently for me) an amalgamation of the previous 30. 

Thanks to everyone who stopped by and read each post!


  1. Ah great pics overall enjoyed seeing them!

  2. Though I didn't comment on them all, I have gone and looked at them all over the month and it was so lovely:) Especially proud that my choice made it in for a day. Really enjoyed a look into the life of a Nurse Fancy Pants:) x

    1. Thank you lovely, that's great to hear! And a fine choice from you too! ;) x
