Saturday, 29 June 2013

The 31 Day Snap

I'm generally not great for sticking to blog challenges (hence why I never end up doing them) but after seeing the 30 Day Snap on Sprinkle of Glitter's blog, I felt like giving it a go.

Originally the challenge was for June but I copped on to it a bit late so I said I'd wait til July, hence why it's now the "31 Day Snap", so I'll be starting this Monday, July 1st. There's a fair chance I might not manage to post every day but I'll give it a go and hopefully in the process I'll find some interesting things to pop up here whilst honing my (somewhat lacking) photography skills.
If you're interested in taking part, there's basically no rules, except to credit Louise's blog @ Sprinkle of Glitter. You can photograph whatever piques your interest and it can be as random as you like! Just one photo per day and it doesn't have to be anything overly fancy or artistic!
Hope you enjoy and let me know if you're going to take part too!



  1. Sounds like a great idea, Chloe, looking forward to seeing your snaps :)

    1. Thanks Hazel! There's a good chance you'll have seen a lot of the photos on instagram too ;)

  2. Awesome! Think I will join in! :)

  3. This sounds like a lot of fun. Although, my blog isn't really a lifestyle blog. Right now it's more focused on beauty. Maybe I'll do this on twitter with a hashtag, something like, #whimsy31snaps. I'll have to think on it a bit more. =)

    1. That's a great idea, you could totally do this on twitter or Facebook or Instagram too! :)
