Friday, 21 June 2013

Lemon Butter Cookies

It's been a while since I revved up the old KitchenAid but a beloved sibling's birthday is as good a reason as any. My sister is not a huge fan of chocolate so I thought these lemon butter cookies would be a nice light, post dinner alternative. I found the recipe in the Lilly Higgins baking book "Make, Bake, Love", one of my absolute favourites as it's packed full of beautiful, easy to follow recipes. I "adapted" this one (I say adapted cause basically I made them incorrectly- if the recipe says use TWO TRAYS it's because the biscuits expand so don't skimp and use just the one. Lesson learnt. Actually, Lilly calls these "lemon drops" but mine resembled nothing like drops after baking so I'm calling them Lemon Butter cookies instead.) but you could add whatever you want to these if you don't particularly like lemon. Himself and I are thinking of making them with ground almonds and cherry pieces or orange zest and ginger for Christmas.
What you''ll need..

200g softened Butter
50g Icing Sugar, sieved, with a bit extra to dust the biscuits with afterwards, for decorative purposes.
Zest of one Lemon (I used two cause they were small)
200g Plain Flour
1/2 tsp of baking powder.


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Lightly grease your all-important two trays.
  2. I creamed the butter and icing sugar together in my KitchenAid but you could easily do it by hand, as long as the result is that it's light and mixed well. Add lemon zest, flour and baking powder, beat quickly until all combined.
  3. Roll mixture into small balls in your hands (no non-creepy way of saying that, unfortunately), place on baking trays and press down lightly with the back of a teaspoon to create the indentation you can see in the photo.
  4. Bake for 10-15 mins, remove from tray and leave to cool on a wire rack.
  5. When cool, dust with icing sugar.
  6. Scoff noisily with a large mug of tea and pretend it's somehow healthier than the chocolate cake you would've made, cause, you know, LEMONS.
All boxed up and ready to go!


  1. They may not look like drops, but they still look so irresistible. I just wanna grab one before you close the lid!

    1. They were so delicious! I'd love some now actually!

  2. yum!!! saving this to try :) I love love love lemon!

    1. You'll love these then- lemony but not too strong! So good!

  3. I'm not a huge lemon fan but these look amazing! Will have to try this recipe and put in something else:)

    1. You should definitely try them- maybe with chocolate pieces actually?

  4. I love instruction no. 6 - "Scoff noisily..." - it made me laugh out loud :-)

    1. Ah, thank you! Nothing like a good biscuit scoffing, I always say! :)
