Friday, 7 September 2012

New Boots

Kurt Geiger, you masterful prince, you.
With Winter fast approaching, all the shops now have their A/W stock out, which is endlessly pleasing to me. You see, I love Autumn. I also kind of love Winter but the extreme cold (and by that I mean, constant inability to get or stay warm unless permanently attached to my electric blanket) of the past couple of years has lessened my love for it somewhat. That aside, I'll always be fond of winter coats and boots. Currently I have my beady little eyes on an absolutely AMAZING (yes, capitals were necessary, you can't properly gauge my excitement otherwise) red coat from Ted Baker but it's crazy expensive so I'll have to ignore its existence and instead focus on these equally fabulous KG boots I got in House of Fraser:

God knows I love a black Winter boot but a STUDDED black Winter boot is just the ideal really. That's right- I'm living the Winter boot dream. Happy days.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks hun, I'm actually a little bit pleased that it's gotten a bit colder so I can start wearing them! :-) xx
