Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Eos Lip balms

"It started with a kiss"..actually, no, sorry that's not right. It started with the honeysuckle/honeydew melon flavour eos smooth sphere lip balm. Although, granted, the latter's not as catchy as the former. As per the website, this balm:

"is 95% organic, 100% natural, and paraben and petrolatum free. Packed with antioxidant-rich vitamin E, soothing shea butter and jojoba oil, eos keeps your lips moist, soft and sensationally smooth".

And boy does it do what it says on the tin. My lips were like those of a shriveled old crone before I started using this and are now lovely and soft. I was beginning to doubt that any lip care product actually existed that would work but at last, I can wear matte lipstick (I'm mostly referring to my new Tom Ford..swoon) and not look manky. Anyways, the purchase of the melon balm for 5.75 euro on had me so pleased that I tried it out on HTB when he had a sore lip and low and behold, it cleared it up so quickly that it got his seal of approval too, even though he's not a huge fan of melon. So being the dutiful WTB (wife to be), I then purchased the strawberry sorbet flavour, which is also lovely. And, eh, well I also thought the lemon flavour would be a good idea for the Summer as it contains an SPF of 15. That's my reasoning and I'm sticking to it.

    Lemon, Honeysuckle/Honeydew and Strawberry Sorbet

The balms are clear and matte so I usually wear it on its own at bedtime or under a lipstick. I also find the flavours are so delicate that they're never overpowering. The packaging is very cute but also hygienic, I hate dipping my finger into a pot of balm, I think it's a bit germy. But that's just me being odd. Look at them though:



  1. These are unbelievebly cute! Do you know if they sell them in the UK I'd love to buy some :)

    Rose x

    1. Hi Rose! ships to the UK as well and I know you can get them on ebay too!x

  2. They're so gorgeous, I really badly want to try them out! x

    1. They really are the best lip balms ever! Well worth trying out!x

  3. I Love these!! It's too bad we don't have strawberry sorbet here where I am in Canada. :( thanks for sharing!

    1. Can you get any of the other flavours? The melon and lemon ones are lovely too!x

  4. These are too cute! I'm now following :-)

    Hels X
