Sunday 7 April 2013

Hamper of Loveliness!

Bit of a random post today but I just really wanted to share this amazing gift I received with you all, such was my excitement at opening it! I think gifts that are put together by the individual like this are just so special, there's clearly so much thought put into it and would be a really lovely idea if you were looking for something personal to give to a friend as a hen present or baby shower gift, just by changing around some of the contents. Mine is a get well soon gift and so contains lots of delightful pampering style bits and pieces, which not only were so much fun to unwrap and look at but will obviously be really useful as well. 
Here's the unwrapped container:

The top level houses lots of pairs of socks and floral tissues:

While the bottom level has a huge assortment of goods:

face wipes, emery boards, exfoliating gloves, hand gel, hand lotion and hand wash, nail polish remover, towels, mints, cards..
..and this rather lovely key chain:

I just think this is a brilliant present, I'm beyond impressed and will be mentally storing this as a gift idea for future reference!


  1. Replies
    1. Isn't it great? I'd love to put something like that together for someone, I think it's so thoughtful :) x

  2. Wow that's such a sweet gift! You can tell there's a lot of effort put into it :)

    1. Isn't it so thoughtful?! I'm delighted with myself! :) x

  3. I think these are the best gifts. Even if you don't like one part you have a tonne of other stuff to fall in love with.

    1. Exactly! I love getting little bits and pieces like that, loads of stuff to look at! x

  4. What a lovely, thoughtful gift!

    1. It's so lovely, was so thrilled opening it! :)
